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TheBakounines (2015)
TheBakounines (2016)
Love You Two
Verse 1
We were living it so well
Making the most of our fairytale
But then our lives became a blur
Ever since I've met her
Verse 2
She just exploded into my heart
Making loving you so hard
It's not that I don't feel for you
I just love her too
And when u say I want u
And when u say I need u
And when u say i love u
All I say is I love u two
Verse 3
You and I are so the same
Looking for answers but in vain
I don't know if I can go further
'Cause I don't want to hurt her
Verse 4
Just gimme time to figure it out
To clear my heart of all those doubts
Will you wait for me my dear
Loosing you is my biggest fear
Keyboard Solo
With you I feel complete
But it makes me feel like a creep
I've got you both under my skin
And I know in the end I'll be the victim
Chorus X2
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Rag Doll
Verse 1
You're walking in the street
Looking down on your feet
Thinking 'bout your sorrow
In the moonlight shadow
Verse 2
A kick in a trashcan
Seemed like a good plan
Then you see me on the floor
A dirty rag doll to restore
You picked me up
You fixed me up
You sewed back my broken eye
Verse 3
We're curled up in bed
In your arms when I should be dead
The extasy so palpable It's almost filty, unatural
Verse 4
You brought me back to life
From a dark world of strife
Like Elvis' prayer
Oh let me be your teddy bear
Bass solo
From rags to riches you pulled me through
Mend my heart with a love so true
I was in the discard pile
But now I feel you and I are gonna be worthwhile
Guitar Solo
Chorus x3
Cheap Blonde
Verse 1
Don't confuse me with a vodka & coke
Higher than top shelf, that's where I roam
Might wanna settle for a Martini Cause
you couldn't handle, handle me
Verse 2
I'm your drink if you wanna get frisky
Not old-fashioned, I'm better than whisky
You could see me as a nice shot
But there's one thing I'm not
I'm not a (Cheap Blonde) so much better than that
I'm not a (Cheap Blonde) come baby, see what's on tap
Verse 3
You’re looking at my robe like I’m such good wine
Now it’s high time that I make you mine
I'm sweeter than a glass of rum
So if you wanna get down come get some
You and I should get together for a little happy hour x4
Chorus x3
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Verse 1
Le rideau est tombé sur nos illusions
Ce film pathétique aux accents cons
Tu resteras gravé dans ma mémoire
Comme une erreur de parcours, un brouillard
Verse 2
Ça ne vient pas de toi mais de moi
Infranchissable rengaine hypocrite
Triste à en rire et tu préfères ça
Il n'y a plus qu'un verre entre toi et moi
J’te dis juste Goodbye
Prends ta misère et m’attends pas au coin d’la rue
J’te dis juste Goodbye
Dépêche-toi, va vivre tes restes perdus
Verse 3
Je t'aimerais jusqu'Ã la fin de mes jours
Inepties funestes, pulsions nécrophiles
Notre histoire je chérirai toujours
Mépris méprisable, mystification
Verse 4
Je te souhaite tout le bonheur du monde
Pourquoi m'enlèves-tu mon espoir de vivre
Tu dois me trouver tellement immonde
Surtout quand je suis ivre, nauséabonde
Solo x 4
Et maintenant mon cœur palpite
Et maintenant tu me quittes
Que croyais-tu mon Aphrodite
Tu es loin d’être ma favorite
Tu me quittes car tu ne m'aimes plus
Enfin tu me dis des choses sensées
Tu ne supportes pas ce qu’on est devenus
Ça ne va pas me tuer, n'en parlons plus
Chorus x 2
Don't hurt me
Verse 1
Fine, I'll be just fine
I'll hide my soul into a hole
until somebody really shows interest
Interest in me
Someone you'll be true to me
and able to capture my heart
A heart of glass
It's what I need to be able to keep standing on my feet But you
Only with you
Am willing to completly let my guard down
Don't, don't, please don't hurt me
My heart is yours to keep
Don't, don't, please don't hurt me
'Cause I'll plainly won't survive if I loose you
Verse 2
Cry, don't wanna cry
I'd rather stay in your arms drying out tears of joy
then sleep
Sleep all alone
Feeling abandonned and left out when I'll wanna do is lie Lie in bed
Forgetting all about the world and enjoying this moment with you
You make me feel like a fairy tale princess,
I love you prince charming
Guitar Solo
Chorus x4
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Kissin' You
Verse 1
I love it when you take me out
I like it when you do it right
I love it when you hear me out
I like it when you spill it out
I love the way you’re being a freak
And like the way you became a geek
Even if you’re a fucking snake
And you won’t give me a break
And I hate kissing you x2
Verse 2
I love the way you shut up
Et tu t’écrases comme une merde
J’aime quand tu descends les poubelles
Que j’vois ton p’tit cul qu’étincelle
I love the way you puke
It makes you even cute
I like the way you fight
But you won’t give me a bite
Guitar Solo
Kissing you
Kissing you
I hate kissing you
I hate your slaver
It’s No taste for a flavour
J’aime pas tes baisers
Ça coule Ça m’inonde Ca dégouline
Je m’y perds Tu me perds Et on se perd A l’envers
Je m’y perds Tu me perds Et on s’y perd Je disparais
Even if I love you
Verse 1
Métal synthétique
Une orgie électrique
Je rentre dans ta tête
Je remonte ta douleur
Tu souffres le silence
Tu soupires son absence
Un souvenir enfouit
Me rappelle que j’existe
Chorus 1
Des mythes inutiles
Succombes à mes mots
T’auras l’air moins débile
Verse 2
Tu résistes quand bien même
Il n’y a jamais d’espoir
Tu récites un poème
Je noircis ta mémoire
Inconscient incapable
Choix d’objet misogyne
Et tu perds le contrôle
Je n’attends plus qu’un signe
Chorus 2
De mythes trisomiques
Écoute mon écho
Abandonnes toute logique
Keyboard Solo
Plus qu’un effort à faire
Pour perdre la raison
Rend toi à l’évidence
Evalue ta passion
Chorus 3
Guignol en souffrance
Conscience en défaut
Il n’y a plus d’évidence
Saisis ta chance
Desserre ton étau
Retrouve ton ignorance
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The Weekend Strut
Verse 01
Kick off my working shoes
Enough with the weekly blues
Put on a party dress
It´s time for some excess
Verse 02
Dance, dance, dance the night away
Is what I want at the end of the day
Get my mind off my sorrow
Is what I need to get to tomorrow
Get up, get up
And rock the fuck out
Wake up, wake up
Just scream and shout
Get up , get up
And rock the fuck out
Do the week end Strut
Theme x2
Verse 03
I need a breath of fresh air
It's 5 o'clock somewhere
Let's get those shots lined up
We're gonna blow up the club
Guitar solo
Bass break
Bass solo
End of the week and I finally see you
I long for your touch and your sweet sweet kiss
With you I forget what´s making me blue
I can’t get enough it’s bliss
Verse 04 (instrumental)
Chorus x2
Walking Contradiction
Verse 01
I'm speeding up on the highway
But I like to take it slow
I only want you to stay
Still I tell you to go
Just do as I do,
don't do as I say baby
Just do as I say,
don't do as I do
Verse 02
I want the sound of silence
So much I shout it out
I ask from you some patience
And what I want I want it right now
I'm a walking contradiction
But you wouldn't want me any other way I'm a walking contradiction
Verse 03
I'm just nobody's wife
Make no mistake about it my love
I'll wander the nightlife
Looking for sunshine or lack thereof
As much as I like to keep my hands clean
I can't wait to get dirty with you
Sometimes I may look mean
But I sure as hell don't wanna make you blue
Guitar Solo
Chorus x2
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Fallin' Down
Verse 01
My head is spinning around
I can't get no sound
No matter what I do
It's me who ends up screwed
Verse 2
I just wanna explode
So much rage to unload
Better not be there (´cause)
When I unleash I won't care
Who you are or what you meant to me
I'm taking you all down with me
There won't be forgivness no mercy
You'll see
Verse 03
The walls are closing in
Can't see virtue from sin
I'm feeling so empty (That's why)
It won't matter to me
I just don't care no more
Doesn't mean I did before
I just don't care no more
No more Guitar
Chorus x2
(Live @ Le Buzz 08/01/2014)
Verse 1
You don't listen,
You can't hear me,
'Cause you don't ge me
Verse 2
You don't own me,
You don't please me,
I need a way Outtahere
Verse 3
I cannot breath,
I need some air,
You're smothering me
Verse 4
You're killing me,
I suffocate, I need a break
I want a way Outtahere
Chorus (Instrumental)
Verse 5
I need to get away from you pain
And from your angry attitude
Verse 6
From your sleazyness
I need to get away
From you, Screw you
Verse 7
You won't let me be
won't let me feel
won't let me speak
Verse 8
You won't let me be,
just who I am
Fuck You
I want my life back
I gotta have my life back
I wanna be free from you
I want my life back
I'm Outtahere
Verse 9
You wanted to know me
But you made me
Into this scared little girl
Vers 10
Went to my deepest fears and played the monster
And I let you do it